What is the title of the book (fiction) you are currently reading (or the last fiction book you read)?
1984 - George Orwell, this is a science fiction book set in the future, about how the government is all powerful and you are always being watched. The term; big brother was first mentioned in this book.
What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading (or the last non-fiction book you read)?
I cannot remember the last non-fiction book I read.
What is the last live performance (music, drama dance) you attended?
The little shop of horrors, Theatre in London
What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema, on-line or watched on DVD?
300 was the last film I saw on television. the film is about a Spartan army of just 300 soldiers against a huge Persian army of thousands, ruled by a god king. The Spartans are threatened with annihilation if they do not surrender their land and empire to the Persian king. Leonardis (the Spartan king) does not surrender, and an epic battle ensues. I really enjoyed the film as it showed a small army winning against all odds. The film is based upon the graphic novel by Frank Miller.
How often do you read a newspaper? (which one?)
I don't read newspapers, I get news on-line or on T.V.
Which art gallery, museum, or exhibition did you last visit?
Historic Map exhibition, British Library, London.
How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
35 hours on average
How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?
1 to 2 hours